Data Protection Policy

Information on Data Protection

Please allow us to inform you in accordance with the applicable legislation about how our company will handle your personal data that you provide to us and about other facts that are relevant to the area in question.

The personal data that you provide to us when renting houses in our facilities or in connection with expressing interest in our other services are mandatory, as far as your name, surname and place of residence or date of birth are concerned, as they enable your unambiguous identification and thus the valid conclusion of a contract for the service in question. We process this data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract concluded between us, for the fulfilment of our legal obligations (in particular in the accounting and tax field) and for processing necessary to ensure the protection of our rights and legally protected interests and to assert legal claims. We also process these and possibly other data (in accordance with the current legislation in force) for the purpose of recording local charges (for holiday stays) and transmit them to the competent authority. If you are not a citizen of the Czech Republic, we are obliged to keep records of your personal data for the foreign police and make them available to them in accordance with our obligations (to the extent of the data according to the current legislation). If we require you to provide data other than the mandatory data listed above and we do not disclose to you when providing it that it is mandatory data and the reason for it (our legal obligation), it is data that we require you to provide voluntarily for the purpose of fulfilling the contract we enter into. We will then use this data together with the mandatory data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract. We also inform you that if you provide us with your email contact details, we will use them together with your name and surname in the future (in accordance with our so-called legitimate interest) for our marketing purposes

Personal data will be processed in paper and electronic form and will be transferred to subjects when performing or ensuring the performance of our obligations or when ensuring the protection of our rights and legally protected interests.

Failure to provide the mandatory personal data could result in the invalidity of the contract concluded by us, the impossibility of fulfilling our obligations and any other legal consequences associated with the failure to provide such data under generally binding legal regulations.

Your personal data will be processed for as long as generally binding legal regulations, including archiving regulations, so stipulate, both those provided compulsorily and those provided voluntarily, or at our request for the purpose of fulfilling a contract concluded by us, including your email for marketing purposes. The exceptions to this are where you have been informed otherwise in advance, or where the processing of the data is based on your consent given for a different period of time. Of course, personal data to which you have reasonably objected, etc. will not be further processed.

You have the right to request access to your personal data that we process about you (disclosure of which data we process, the purposes of processing, to whom the data are disclosed, the planned storage period, disclosure of the scope of your rights, or other facts), to request their correction (if they are incorrect) and deletion (if the reason for processing them has passed), you have the right to request restriction of processing (e.g. if there is doubt about the legitimacy of the processing). You can object to the processing of your personal data. If you object to the processing of your e-mail for marketing purposes, this e-mail will no longer be processed for this purpose. If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent.

If he or she believes that your personal data is not processed in accordance with the law, he or she has the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

We would like to inform you that we operate a camera system in some of our facilities in order to protect property and increase security. The CCTV system is operated by our company in accordance with the legal regulations so as to protect your privacy to the maximum extent possible while maintaining its purpose. If necessary, based on our specific request, processing by an external company also takes place. If such a request is made, the record from this system is forwarded to the Police of the Czech Republic as part of the mandatory cooperation.

Should you require further information, clarification etc, please contact us at

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